A SLeep Health community for Women in midlife

Sleephoria SisterhooD

Don't accept exhaustion in midlife (even though all your friends feel the same). Gain the knowledge, tools, and peace to overcome exhaustion through achieving better sleep!

Does this sound familiar?

  • Do you struggle with 3am wake ups despite trying various remedies?
  • Can't remember the last time you woke up refreshed, despite getting 7-8 hours of sleep?
  • Is your partner complaining about your snoring and you are worried what this could mean?
  • Have you been gaining weight and know your poor sleep is partly to blame?
  • It's 10pm and you are drained but once your head hits the pillow your mind is going a million miles a minute you can't sleep to settle into sleep?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are in the right place.

Sleephoria is here to support you on your journey to better sleep and whole living during midlife.

Our Mission:

At Sleephoria, our mission is clear: to help women overcome exhaustion by improving sleep health. We understand the unique challenges that midlife women face, from hormonal changes to increased stress levels from career and family life. We're dedicated to providing personalized solutions tailored to your needs.

Sleephoria was founded by Dr. Valerie Cacho, integrative sleep physician and women's sleep expert, after she saw countless women struggle with sleep during midlife in her clinical practice. In her over 12 years of experience as a sleep physician she has helped thousands of women improve the quality of their lives by getting better sleep. Sleephoria is a resource promoting women’s sleep health and whole living. We are creating an uplifting community that helps women feel supported, confident and engaged in their wellbeing.

Is the Sleephoria Sisterhood right for you?

What We Offer:

  • Live Q&A Sessions: Get direct access to Dr. Val and her team of sleep and women's health experts and ask your burning questions about sleep, menopause, stress, and more during our live Q&A sessions.
  • Personalized Tracks: Our personalized tracks are designed to address specific issues affecting midlife women, including perimenopause/menopause, metabolic health, stress reduction, and sleep medicine. You'll receive tailored guidance and support to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of seasoned sleep medicine and women's health professionals with years of experience in helping women achieve better sleep and healthier life.​

Why Choose Sleephoria?

  • Beyond Sleep Hygiene: Are you tired of generic sleep hygiene handouts that don't seem to work? We offer comprehensive strategies that go beyond basic sleep hygiene to address the root causes of your sleep challenges.
  • Targeted Support: Do you often wake up at 3 am and struggle to fall back asleep? Are stress and anxiety keeping you up at night? Our personalized tracks target these specific issues to provide effective solutions.
  • Evidence-Based Approach: We understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to sleep solutions. That's why we offer evidence-based strategies and therapies, ensuring that you get the quality sleep you need to thrive during midlife.
person holding white and pink clustered petaled flower

Ready to Improve Your Sleep?

If you're ready to say goodbye to exhaustion and hello to restorative sleep, join the Sleephoria Sisterhood today! Take the first step towards a healthier, more energized you.

Sign up now to access the tools for better sleep and reclaim your vitality!

What Women Are Saying about Dr. Val....

“Before coaching with Dr. Val, I was feeling utterly hopeless about my sleep situation. I had no problems sleeping alone, but when my partner was around, there was no setup that would allow me to get a full night’s sleep. We tried everything: therapy, sleep studies, life coaching, sleeping in different rooms, melatonin, meditation, medication — but the insomnia persisted. After coaching with Dr. Val and learning to focus on what I CAN control — staying relaxed, even if I’m not asleep — I began to be able to accept the fact that I can’t force myself to get sleep, but I can still have a good day the next day. Dr. Val’s methods were helpful because they didn’t brush under the rug the very real, negative thoughts that I was having. Other methods focused too simplistically on “positive thinking,” and this didn’t allow me to validate how I was REALLY feeling — frustrated and hopeless. Through our work together, I was able to slowly and persistently transform my thinking, one belief at a time. Now my partner and I are able to have sleepovers and get a good night’s sleep, every night. By learning to control my emotional response, I no longer stress about not sleeping; I am able to accept whatever outcome occurs and go about my life enjoyably.”

— Alaina

"Dr Val is amazing. She will teach you how to sleep without medication or supplements. I was so impressed by her natural techniques in helping her patients with sleeping issues, anxiety, and hormone imbalance. If I could give her more than 5 stars, I would."

— Liz

"Dr. Val is very kind and supportive. She educates as we discuss my situation. I learn a lot and have improved my sleep quality because of her."

— Miko

Ready to Join?

What are you waiting for? Sign up for hope, confidence, and peace around sleep today.

    “A well rested woman has the energy clarity and drive to change the world”

    -Dr. Val

    Disclaimer: Information provided by Sleephoria LLC is for educational purposes alone and is not a substitute for medical care. Dr. Val nor any of the guest experts guarantee results and your health is ultimately your responsibility. Your results can vary depending on a variety of factors. Team Sleephoria believes in providing you with the best resources to achieve your desired results.